The Wheel maneuver is a turn performed by pivoting unit around one of its front Formation corners when it moves.
When performing a wheel, the leading edge of the formation moves forward, pivoting round one of the front corners. The unit swings round like hand of a clock and completes the maneuver facing a different direction.
A cavalry unit making 3 wheels to move round a wood
Wheel in DO
unit uses Wheel maneuver when and if required turn angle does not exceed 90 degrees (pls, see video). Otherwise unit uses Reform maneuver.
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Pls. see diagram which illustartes Wheel and Reform zones.
The 90 degrees turn angle is measured from 1st unit rank.
If player clicks in yellow zone (0 - 180 degrees) - unit wheels.
If player clicks in green zone (181 - 359 degrees) - unit reforms
Wheel maneuver speed affected by unit:
- Movement characteristic
- models number (the larger unit the bigger the turn radius)
doesn't affected by:
- Initiative characteristic
- formation type (not 100% sure)
Wheel and Reform zones
It was noticed that if unit wheels and has to change its Formation it will stop moving until formation is changed and then continue its wheel maneuver (please, see video at 3:51)
demonstration of never-ending circling bug during unit wheel maneuver and formation change with +, - keys
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