Armor in Dark Omen
Since SoTHR, developers decided to simplify TT rules and replaced Armor save with Armor Rating (AR) equivalent (Pls. see the picture). DO developers used the same approach and any model in the game has base AR from AR 0 (no armor) to AR 5 (full armor). Each one AR gives 16.6% chance to avoid wound, thus:
AR = 0 - 0%
AR = 1 - 16.6%
AR = 2 - 33.3%
AR = 3 - 50%
AR = 4 - 66.6%
AR = 5 - 83.3%
It is not possible to equip/unequip armor in DO and it is just unit parameter which can be changed by buying/selling additional armor pieces (shields) in the game withing unit min, max AR limit.
For infantry the limit is AR 1-3. It can be additionally boosted by magic item such as magic shield to AR 4. For cavalry the limit is AR 2-5. The minimum AR is 2 because cavalry gets AR 1 for horse and AR 1 for barding.
Same as in TT, Armor rating can be decreased by Strength of the model that delivers hit starting from S4.
For example, Elf with AR 1 was hit by Orc with S4 (-1 modifier). Due to powerful strike of Ork Elf armor is disregarded as he has no armor save, i.e. 1 - 1 = 0
Special armor type
In DO there are 3 units that have special armor type:
In addition to Armor rating, special armor type also gives special traits. For example, Troll armor type provides resistance to magic (from spells and items) as well as weakness to fire. Wraith armor provides immunity from mundane weapon, so only magic can damage this ethereal creature.
There is also special armor type for all cavalry in game which is called "mounted armor". If unit has mounted armor it overrides unit movement speed with speed of unit a mount which is hard-coded to m7 for all mounts in game (horse and boar (note: while boar indeed has m7 but gives AR+2 to its rider, horse has m8 and gives AR +1).
It is unknown why DO devs implemented traits and mount speed via special armor types.
Armor and speed
According to TT rules, heavy armor and shield decreases infantry and cavalry speed by 1 point, i.e. from m4 to m3 for infantry and from m8 to m7 for cavalry. If horse has barded armor its speed is decreased for 1 point further. Thus, rider in heavy armor+shield on barded horse will have m6 (8 - 2) .
in DO increasing unit Armor rating via upgrade doesn't decrease its speed. But play-tests shown that cavalry units has base speed equal to m7, while in TT horse has m8 value. Since GB cavalry has base AR 2 it might mean that DO devs intentionally decreased its speed to m7 to replicate TT armor penalty for horse with barding (Armor save 5+ which is equivalent of AR 2).
can't be found in this page that describes melee combat