Fear and Terror test

Fear and Terror test

my tests of *fear/immunity to fear/terror* so far show that:
- the only difference between fear and terror during charge is that terror disregards number of models check. e.g. 10 warriors fear 1 troll with terror while don't fear 1 zombie with fear. If and when fear/terror work in melee is still unclear but there is a reaction sometimes when unit says "We fear the enemy" in melee
- unit is immune to fear/terror if it has *at least one* among these three abilities. I.e. unit with fear/terror immunes to both and doesn't need "immunity to fear" ability. Did not test vs fear spells yet.
- unit with any of these 3 abilities is still affected by other psychological LD tests like flank attack etc. (as it should be)
- unit is affected by unit with fear/terror while being in melee/charging/steady states

My observations during fear test playtest:
- spells can't penetrate units with toughness t8+. Burning skull, Blast, fireball. But can T7. This means that spells have Str characteristics which is 4
- fleeing units can be routed even without taking wounds from pursuing enemy
- fear spells affect unit with fear\terror ability but don't unit with immune to fear ability. Unit affected with the fear spell and failed LD test shouts "Retreat" before fleeing while "We are terrified" if falied LD test provoked by charging enemy with Fear or Terror ability
unit shouts "We fear the enemy" when:
- enemy has fear|terror ability (disregarding number of enemy models, i.e. even with 1 model)
- it charges enemy and not vice versa
- it collides with enemy after charge (before the first melee round starts and never in the following rounds)
- it fails Ld test (sometimes unit does not shout, sometimes it does) (edited)