The characteristics described above are used most often during combat. Note that the descriptions which follow are summarized - the actual computations don’t exactly make interesting reading! You don’t need to know the information that follows, but it will help you to understand how the results of combat are decided.
When a regiment engages an enemy regiment, calculations are made to determine which regiment is to ‘gain’ the charge and which is to ‘receive’ the charge. These calculations are based on the regiment’s Movement and Initiative characteristics, with an element of chance included too. The regiment with the highest Movement and Initiative is most likely to gain the charge and will get to strike their foe first as well as be awarded a Strength bonus for the duration of the initial combat round.
Once your regiment clashes with the enemy, the resulting combat is resolved by the computer calculating a series of combat ‘rounds’. Each round lasts thirty seconds and during this period of time, the computer makes certain combat calculations to see who is winning.
In each combat round, the front rank of each regiment in the battle attacks. The regiment with the highest initiative attacks first. The ‘Attack’ characteristic shows how many times each mercenary warrior can attack in each round. When an individual attacks another, the Weapon Skill of the combatants is compared to determine whether the attacker landed a blow. If so, the attackers Strength is compared to the victims Toughness to determine whether the blow caused a Wound. If so, there is a chance his armour may save him. If this armour save fails, the blow hits home and the wound is caused.
If the troop has more than one attack, the above process is repeated until his attacks have been exhausted. Note that each attack may target a different enemy troop if sufficient enemy troops are close by; this is particularly relevant for monsters, some of whom can have as many as 7 attacks per ‘round’.
After a ‘round’ has been completed, the total number of wounds caused by each side in the melee is calculated. If applicable, bonus points are added for any regiments which charged the enemy in the flank or the rear. Once it is determined which side scored less, all regiments belonging to that side in the melee must take a Leadership test***. Any regiments which fail the test will rout from the combat.
When a missile regiment attempts to fire, the range of its weapon is first considered to determine whether or not it will fire. If the target is out of range, you will be told in the Text Window and no firing will take place. Providing the target is in range and can be seen, a calculation is made using the regiment’s Ballistic Skill characteristic (with an element of chance), to determine whether the projectile hit the target. If so, the projectile’s Strength is compared to the victims Toughness to determine whether the projectile caused any Wounds. The Strength of the projectile is taken from the Strength of the weapon which fired it. For details of weapon Strengths, see ‘Weapons’ on page 86. If the victim is wounded he attempts to make an armour save, based on his Armour Rating, to deflect the blow. If the armour save fails, the projectile hits home and the wounds are caused.