Weapons in TableTop
In TT there are 3 weapon categories:
- melee weapons
- ranged weapons
- artillery weapons
Melee weapons
Melee weapons are used in close combat and can provide benefits and penalties.
If model has more than one melee weapon, it must choose which one to use at the start of each combat round. All models in unit must choose the same melee weapon (except unit Leaders)
Melee weapons in DO
All units in DO can have only one default weapon which can not be changed by the player. Player may change only magic weapon of unit's leader (and his other magical equipment). This can be done between battles or during battles by dropping/picking up magic weapon.
Comparing to TT, DO lacks following types of weapon:
- Spear
- Lance
- 2 paired 1-handed weapons
The rest melee weapons that are present in DO work in the same way except Flail that gives permanent +2 to s and Great weapon which does not modifies unit ini (according to in-game test)
Ranged weapons
All ranged weapons have 2 parameters: Range and Strength.
Range is an effective distance to shoot and inflict casualties to an enemy. There is no minimum range limit, but only maximum.
Strength is basically a potency to overcome target's toughness and/or armor
Ranged weapons in DO
In addition to Range and Strength, all DO range weapons also have base reload time parameter.
Artillery weapons
are powerful war-machines that, in comparison with handheld ranged weapons, usually has enormous range, more than one wound per projectile and area of effect damage. For instance, cannon has D4 wounds random damage.