

"Some creatures are so large or disturbing that they provoke fear in the foe..."

Fear is an ability which unit may possess due to its frightful appearance or thanks to magic (item or spell).
Fear rule varies from TT rules edition to edition and its mechanic in Dark Omen game is uncertain


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Dark Omen fear

The following notes are made based on in-game observation and play-tests:

  • when unit with fear charges enemy unit it has to make Ld test and flee if test failed
  • if charged unit fails fear Ld test it starts retreating instantly and cries "We are terrified" in comparison when unit charged in flank/rear it starts retreating after contact with enemy and cries "Retreat"
  • fear ability only works when unit with fear outnumbers enemy unit 1 (but not when unit shouts "We fear the enemy" in melee)
  • if both rival units have Fear/Terror ability then it is disregarded
  • fear spells affect unit with fear\terror ability but don't unit with immune to fear ability. Unit affected with the fear spell and failed LD test shouts "Retreat" before fleeing while "We are terrified" if falied LD test provoked by charging enemy with Fear or Terror ability
  • it is uncertain if fear works in the following melee rounds after initial one but in WHedit there is an ability that cause fear on damage 
  • Unit shouts "We fear the enemy" when:
    • enemy has fear|terror ability (disregarding number of enemy models, i.e. even with 1 model)
    • it charges enemy and not vice versa
    • it collides with enemy after charge and fails Ld test  (before the first melee round starts and never in the following rounds)

It is uncertain what exactly happens when unit shouts - "We fear the enemy!" during melee combat. But as an assumption, unit that charges or gets charged by feared enemy, fails its Ld test and needs to roll 6 for all its strikes in the first combat round 

Unit may also shout - "We are terrified". It most likely is related to Terror ability but its effect in DO is unknown for now.  Playtests confirm that it happens when unit fails LD test to enemy unit charge which posses Fear or Terror abilities.

Formula for the Fear test is the same as for any other Ld test

if Ld >= randbetween (1,12) - test passed
else - test failed

from DO Manual:

If a regiment comes up against an enemy they fear, they might automatically rout across the battlefield just to get away from their foe! Similarly, if a regiment encounters an enemy they hate, they will need no second invitation to engage in battle. If a race is immune to fear and hatred then it goes without saying that they will be much harder to rout off the battlefield!

The relative strength of the enemy regiment has an effect on whether the fear is enough to deter your regiment from engaging them in battle. For example, one solitary zombie probably isn't going to be enough to make your sixteen man strong Cavalry regiment flee in fear! They will still fear the creature, but not to the point where they feel the need to run away from it.

Fear attributes in WHedit


 4th edition Fear
  • makes charged unit flee if it fails Ld test and is outnumbered by the charging enemy. If not outnumbered then charged unit needs roll 6 to score hit during first combat round
  • prevents unit to charge enemy with fear. If unit attempts to charge and fails Ld test it remains stationary for one turn
  • automatically makes unit flee if it loses melee combat round and is outnumbered by fear-causing enemy (no Ld test can be made)
  • unit which has fear is immune to fear effects caused by other units with fear


 8th edition Fear
  • affects only units in base contact with feared unit at the start of each combat round. If units fails Ld test it WS reduced to 1 till the end of combat round
  • unit which has fear is immune to fear effects caused by other units with fear

"At the start of each Close Combat round, a unit that is in base contact with one or more enemy models that cause Fear must take a Leadership test, before any blows are struck.

If the test is passed, all is well – the unit has mastered its fear, at least for now. If the test is failed, the unit’s fear goes uncontrolled and the warriors cower defensively from the horror before them – all models in the unit have their Weapon Skill reduced to 1 for the remainder of that round of close combat.

Models that cause Fear are themselves immune to Fear, and are not affected by any of this rule’s effects (even if their unit fails its test, for example). This includes characters riding Fear-causing mounts, who count as causing Fear themselves (see the Troop Types chapter)."

  1.  according to DO manual and playtest notes of WarpGhost http://forum.dark-omen.org/troops/skeleton-unbreakability-test-t300.0.html;msg1903#msg1903