Leadership test

Leadership test

Leadership tests (Ld test) represents troops psychological reaction to different frightening events. For instance, unit may got beaten up in melee combat or attacked by monstrous creature. As a result, unit temporary loses the ability to fight well or start to flee (retreat) from battle. The list of such Ld test events and how they work are described further below.


Image result for charging pikes

List of Leadership tests 

Broken in melee  

Unit loses melee combat round. This Ld test is also called "Break test" in TT. 

  • Test passed: unit continues to fight in the next round
  • Test failed: unit retreats

NOTE!: Unlike other Ld tests, Break test has its own formula described in same name section of Melee page

Charged in flank or rear

Unit gets charged by enemy in its flank or rear arc.

  • Test passed: unit continues to fight in the next round
  • Test failed: unit flees

Fear or Terror 

Unit is attacked by monstrous creature or magic spell with fear effect. For more information see description of Fear and Terror abilities.

Heavy casualties

Unit takes models casualties >25% of its numbers in the beginning of the round from ranged or spell fire

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Regroup (Rally)

See regroup page

Rout (absent in TT)

See routing page

Special spells

Some spells (like Burning head) may affect units morale and makes it pass Ld test

Retreating friendlies (not confirmed in DO)

At the start of melee round if there is fleeing friendly unit withing x meters away. This fleeing friendly unit must outnumber (in terms of models) other friendly unit to make it pass Ld test. Otherwise, no Ld test is required.
For instance fleeing unit A has 10 models and is withing x meters from steady unit B has 8 models. Unit B must to pass Ld test.
Fleeing Unit A has 8 or less models and steady unit B has also 8 models. No Ld test is required.

Broken in melee friendlies (not confirmed in DO)

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Events that cause Ld tests for Fleeing:

  1. Charge in flank

  2. Manual retreat by Player pushing button

  3. Charged by feared|terrified enemy

  4. Feared by magic spell \

  5. Lost melee round and broken

  6. Heavy casualties from ranged fire|spells

  7. Nearby friendly unit broken|destroyed in melee (not confirmed in DO)

  8. Friendly unit fleeing through steady unit (not confirmed in DO)

Ld test formula

When any of Leadership test events occurs unit Leadership characteristic value gets compared to 1D12 roll value. If unit Leadership characteristic is equal or more than the 1d12 roll value the test is passed, else - the test is failed.

if unit Ld >= randbetween (1,12) - test passed
else - test failed

Comparison with 4thE TT rules

  • In DO, when unit gets charged in flank or rear it always has to pass Ld test, while In 4thE this is the case only when unit is already engaged in melee fight and the charging unit has 5 or more models