Regroup (Rally)
Regroup (Rally)
A fleeing unit may regroup by making successful Leadership test.
There are 2 types of Ld test for rally :
- automatic - that occurs once at the end(?) of each melee combat round (every 24 sec)
- event-based - that occurs in case of activation of ability or magic spell, e.g. Horn of Urgok
Automatic Ld test for rally is prevented(canceled) for one melee round by the following events:
- fleeing unit is close to enemies (x meters away from the enemy)
- fleeing unit was hit by melee/ranged attack/spell during this round (even if landed hit fails to wound a fleeing unit)
- ...
Event-based Ld test for rally can't be cancelled! Even if a unit is taking damage at this very moment it still gets a steady state by successfully passing Ld test for rally.
A unit may pass unlimited number of event-based Ld tests for rally during the round and only a single automatic one.
Regroup Ld test formula is the same as for any other tests
if unit Ld >= randbetween (1,12) - test passed
else - test failed